Themes and Ideas within Human Geography

Identity is defined in the Merriam Webster dictionary as “: the distinguishing character or personality of an individual” (2013). However, in the social sciences, especially within Human Geography, identity encompasses more than that.   Human Geographers view identity as a simple way of stating who you are. (Donovan, 2013)  There are no bigger connotations behind it, no emotions attached, it is a simple a way of saying “I am an X” with whatever group you are identifying yourself with.  Boy, Girl, Italian, homosexual, etc.

Subjectivity on the other hand, is used to describe all the nuances and emotions that come along with identity. (Donovan, 2013)  Subjectivity in the social sciences describes how one personally feels about their own self, and all the emotions and subtleties that are consequences of having that identity.  For example, a trans-gendered person could identify themselves as a man because of their sexual organs they possess, but internally view themselves as more of a woman.

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